
Made by students, for students! Featuring free resources as well as well as a list of the best tutors.



Looking for tuition? we have curated some of the best tutors for you!

the best tuition

We curate the best tutors for you. Our tutors hail from various courses, including those from prestigious universities (even Cambridge and Oxford) and courses (such as Law, Medicine, and Computer Science), or experts in their fields (former subject 100th percentile students, or university Dean’s Listers in sciences, humanities, or relevant fields.

Continuous Updates

We are a new and growing platform! We intend to grow our range of offerings—be on the look out!



What is lesson.SG?

A platform for the best tutor listings

Lesson.sg ‘s mission is simple: there are plenty of highly qualified tutors often not attached to your traditional tuition centres—we bring you tutors with impeccable backgrounds: whether they are 90 RP students, formerly top of their cohort in an academic subject, Law/Medicine undergraduates, Dean’s Listers in their field, Ivy League students, and many more. While these tutors are paid, they can often charge more affordable rates than traditional tuition centres and can often be more effective at their teaching.


What Free courses are there?

We currently have A-Level General Paper and O-Level English courses available—more subjects are coming soon!

O-Level english

O-level English

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A-Level general paper

A-Level general Paper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcor mattis, pulvinar.


other subjects!

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